WEBSITE FOR: Community Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County (CAANSC)


Some added local information on this topic

(1) This article about the Oct. 2 airport meeting and our concerns includes useful background information.

The fight to change the flight paths
Sebastopol Times
A lecture and workshop hosted by the Santa Rosa Airport at Analy High School draws a collection of unhappy West County residents

* The updated version of this article has a map of the new route that started in January 2024 over Graton to Occidental (RREHD). I also have a direct link to the images below.

(2) Two community-created maps

So that you can see what specific areas on the ground are and could be impacted.

Map of the recently-created airplane route over Graton to Occidental (RREHD), which was started about Jan. 2024 - and a map of the prior route
From Sebastopol Times article. Images by Sandy DeVries-Troxel.

Map of the recently-created RREHD departure route and Cignus Proposed Approaches 14 + 23
Image created by community member.

3) Article about the issue and our concerns.
Through the efforts of local folks, we got our story in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat in January! This article has lots of useful information about the issue.

NOTE: The first link below has the online digital article. It can only be read by Press Democrat subscribers. If you can't read it, click on the second link below to read the text. Soon I'll also add a scan of the print article to that link. (We found someone who has it and will scan it for us.)

Sonoma County residents report ‘deafening’ airplane noise after federal air traffic changes
Press Democrat (Santa Rosa), January 18, 2025
Text is also at:

4) And now our concerns have been reported by CBS News in San Francisco! It shows as video online, though I don't know if it was shown on-air.

My thoughts: I'm glad that this report got our issue out there more, and I think they did a decent job. It was good to hear Supervisor Hopkins giving information. And I love the chart they used! Which I've enclosed below.

On the other hand, contrary to their title, we don't live near the airport, intentionally. And I wish they'd talked with at least one other concerned person. And I think it was false balance to have one person in an unnamed area saying they didn't mind the airplane noise. That isn't the point. We moved here for quiet. People who don't mind can live near the airport. They also had another person saying they're glad to have more flights as a traveler.

Let's be sure people know that this change was not to accommodate more local flights, and is not needed for it.

Residents near Sonoma County airport angry over increased flight noise

Kenny Choi reports on larger, louder jets landing at the Charles Schulz Sonoma County Airport have raised noise complaints 600%.

CBS News, Feb. 7, 2025

Chart shows dramatic increase in noise complaints

Also - go to our main page to signup for our low-volume alert email list, as well as suggested actions and helpful tips.

Best - Patricia

This entire website is (c) Patricia Dines, 1998-2025. All rights reserved.
Page last updated  2/12/2025.