WEBSITE FOR: Community Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County (CAANSC)


Thanks for your interest in being on the Community Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County (CAANSC) alert list.

This is an easy low-volume way to get key information about constructively standing up for airplane noise reduction in Sonoma County.

Recent route changes, and lowered altitudes, have resulted in new frequent loud scorching commercial jet  noise in places that are nowhere near the airport!

This is harming our peace and quiet, quality of life, relaxation and concentration, air quality, health — and property values!

We are not powerless! AND this is a critical time to act, as key decisions are being made. The more people who speak up now, the more impact we have.

** CURRENT ACTION: Also see our main page for specific actions you can take on this issue.
Bookmark this page and share it with others!

And please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on this process! (My email is: CAANSC [at]

Best - Patricia

This entire website is (c) Patricia Dines, 1998-2024. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 10/28/2024.