WEBSITE FOR: Community
Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County (CAANSC)
Commenting on Airport official workshops, by Oct. 20 2024 5pm
UPDATED: Comments on this have now closed.
See our main webpage for current suggested actions.
Also, this page has our updated general suggested talking
Encourage others to do the same.
An official airport-hired company, Cignus, has been studying
local routing, including related issues such as noise
complaints, and will make official recommendations.
In their workshops on Oct. 2 and 3, 2024 they presented their
proposals so far.
You can make comments even if you didn't attend the
The comments deadline is October 20, 5pm.
* Giving feedback in this official public process is a
CRITICAL action to take. There
is special power in it. The more of us who share our needs,
the more likely they will listen and include those needs in future
plans and budgeting. They will report on our comments and
questions in their official report on this event. It's essential
that the officials see and hear from those who are being impacted
by this noise/energy intrusion in our lives.
Access the comments link at
Scroll down and click on the big button that says "APPROACH
(You can also download other information about the study
1) Object to the departures
flying low and loud over our previously-quiet homes. (The
airport's study focused on approaches (landings),
which are generally not what's been impacting us in West
County SO FAR.)
2) Object to the change in routing planes to the
new RREHD route (said "redhead"), and with
lower flights, which is what is strongly impacting our
(The RREHD route is the recently-created route (aka jet
freeway) that has brought a steady stream of planes over
West County. People reporting new impacts are in Graton,
Forestville, Sebastopol, Occidental, etc. They have not
provided an official exact map of this route. That could be
something to request.
And community members have created maps of the RREHD route
and two routes in the Cignus proposal that would also go
over Occidental. (See links to those maps below.)
It's still useful for us to ask that officials to create
official maps like this!
3) Object that that change was done without even
notifying the people living under the new noise pathway,
let alone including us in the decision-making. Thus our
lives were changed drastically without our consent.
(Even the Sonoma County Airport wasn't informed, and only
learned about it after complaints skyrocketed!)
4) Share a few powerful sentences about how it's impacting
you and your life (for example, repeatedly interrupting
peace and quiet, conversations, concentration, health,
property values, etc.);
5) Emphasize that there are alternate routes that can be
used plus the option of higher elevations. Complaints
to the airport skyrocketed after this change. The prior routes
did not have this kind of harmful impacts.
6) Express concern that the new proposed
changes in approaches will also bring new airplane noise
over our homes in West County.
7) Express concern that the consultant information
didn't give adequate information on the location of these
new routes. For instance, the maps didn't show what
towns or roads they go over, or give altitude. Thus we can't
evaluate the potential impacts on our lives on the ground.
(And I think we have to assume that this will bring even more
airplane noise into our lives, until they prove otherwise.)
8) Encourage them to care about the lives of the people that
these changes have harmed.
9) You can also ask questions about any of
the above. Questions will be summarized and answered in
the official document.
10) Possible ending -- “I ask that you please use your
authority and persuasion to help us get back our quality of
life from this intrusion.”
* You can make comments more than once. So, for
instance, if you want, you might do one comment about the
PAST route change, and another about the proposed ones.
* Don't wait until 5pm to start submitting your comment.
Assume the portal closes then. And the system might be busy
before then.
Added talking point: We call on the Sonoma County Board of
supervisors to promptly authorize the airport to retain Cignus
(consultants) to address our objections to the new January 2024
RREHD departure route over our homes. This doesn't need
to wait until Cignus has completed the Approaches project. We call
for the money and contract to be in place so that Cignus can get
going as soon as they can. We want our peace-and-quiet back!
You might find useful and
interesting information in this article about the Oct. 2
airport meeting and our concerns.
Sebastopol Times
The fight to change the flight paths
A lecture and workshop hosted by the Santa Rosa Airport at
Analy High School draws a collection of unhappy West County
And, while commenting
on the Cignus proposals is key, I
think we also need to speak up in
other ways.
* FOR MORE ACTIONS, and to get on our
email list, see the CAANSC main page,
Bookmark it and
share it with others!
And please feel free to let me know if you have any
questions or suggestions on this process! (My
email is: CAANSC [at]
Best - Patricia
This entire website is (c)
Patricia Dines, 1998-2024. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 10/28/2024.