WEBSITE FOR: Community Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County (CAANSC)

Welcome email to people who signed up at the Oct. airport workshops; key next steps

Welcome to this new public email list for CAANSC
(Community Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County)

I very much enjoyed connecting with other concerned folks at the Airport Workshops in Sebastopol on Oct. 3!

(Note: A helpful woman kindly loaned me her blue clipboard and I'd like to return it to her. Please let me know if you're on this list. Thanks!)

Earlier this year, many folks in west Sonoma County were impacted by an airplane routing change that suddenly put our homes in the middle of a roaring scorching plane freeway.

These changes were made for the FAA's internal reasons 
— without proper notification or any apparent consideration for the people or communities being impacted on the ground. And more added routes are being proposed for West County!

My goal with this CAANSC project is to help us work together to stop or reduce this new and any other added airplane noise over West Sonoma County. I hope that this email list and website can help us connect with each other -- share information and discuss strategy -- coalesce our voices -- and through that, restore our peaceful and quiet homes -- and community.

When we join our power together in strategic and informed ways, we increase our ability to succeed at our shared goals.

Now is a critical time for us to speak up for ourselves and our neighbors! We have rights — but we need to stand up for them!

Here are some key current action ideas for you:

1) Let other concerned folks know about this website and low-volume email list. To do that:

Feel free to forward them the link to this webpage. OR
You can direct them to the main webpage,

2) Give your online feedback to the official airport workshops process online by Oct. 20 5pm. Encourage others to do the same.
There is special power in us speaking in this official legal and public process. The more of us who share our needs, the more likely they will listen and include those needs in future plans and budgeting.  It's essential that the officials see and hear from those who are being impacted by this noise/energy intrusion in our lives.

For the comments link, and suggested key talking points to include, see
Access the feedback link at
(And I hope to have continued conversations with folks about useful talking points! )

3) State your objections to this change to key officials.
This is key to show how many people are impacted. And that it matters to YOU and your neighbors. And to preserve our rights to object.
What I see as the key officials, and their contact information, is in that section at:

4) Report overflights to the airport.
* This is key to showing how many people are being impacted and thus the need for action. These complaints are summarized in monthly and annual reports.
* Even submitting one complaint is useful! So that you are included in the ongoing count of impacted residences.
Once a month is better, so it shows in the monthly count.
And the more reported flights, the better.

More information about that process is in that section at:

5) Share with me your thoughts, information, activities, and suggested topics to send to this list and add to my website!

I also have various ideas for possible actions, including connecting with other impacted communities and making alliances to encourage changes in how the FAA operates regarding community noise impacts.

I am grateful for the other people also taking action on this issue, and the opportunity to be working collaboratively on this!

In community -

Patricia Dines

Community Action Publications

Writer, artist, graphic artist, and community educator

(My email is: CAANSC [at]

* KEY LINK - MAIN PAGE FOR CAANSC, to bookmark and share

This entire website is (c) Patricia Dines, 1998-2024. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 10/27/2024.