WEBSITE FOR: Community
Action Airplane Noise Sonoma County (CAANSC)
With helpful information about effectively participating in the
key Oct. airport workshops
Welcome to this new
public email list for CAANSC
(Community Action
Airplane Noise Sonoma County)
Our goal is to stop or reduce the new airplane noise over
West Sonoma County -- and the routing change that caused
it -- by sharing information about useful actions we
can all do.
When we join our power together in strategic and
informed ways, we increase our ability to succeed at our
shared goals.
These changes were made for the FAA's internal reasons —
without proper notification or any apparent consideration for the
people or communities being impacted on the ground.
So now is a critical time for us to speak up for ourselves
and our neighbors! We have rights — but need to stand
up for them!
Here are some key action ideas for you
1) Plan to attend the CRITICAL
upcoming official airport meetings next Wed. and Thurs. It's
essential that the officials see and hear from those who are being
impacted by this noise/energy intrusion in our lives. Now is
the time! It will only get worse if we don't take action.
Attending in person is ideal, though Zoom attendance is also
More information about the format and access options are
Wed. October 2nd, 2024, 6-8pm
Analy High School
Theater, 6950 Analy Ave., Sebastopol
Thurs. October 3rd, 2024, 6-8pm
Vintners Resort, 4350
Barnes Rd, Santa Rosa
2) Inform and encourage others to
participate in these workshops and this issue in general. This includes inviting them to join this
handy low-volume email alert list! For more
information about action on this issue and joining this
list, see
3) Prepare your feedback for the
October events. This is important and makes your
participation much more impactful! Feedback at the
event will be recorded, so bring your specific comments!
There will also be online ways to give feedback.
Key suggested talking points:
a) Object to the departures flying low and
loud over our previously-quiet homes. (The
airport's study focused on approaches (landings),
which are generally not what's impacting us in West County.)
b) Object to the change in routing
planes to the RREHD route (said "redhead"),
and with lower flights, which is what is strongly
impacting our lives.
(The RREHD route is the new route (aka jet freeway) that
has brought a steady stream of planes over Graton out to
c) Share a few powerful sentences about how it's impacting
you and your life (for example, repeatedly
interrupting peace and quiet, conversations, concentration,
health, property values, etc.);
d) Emphasize that there are alternate routes that can be
used plus the option of higher elevations. Complaints to
the airport skyrocketed after this change. The prior routes did
not have this kind of harmful impacts.
e) Encourage them to care about the lives of the
people that these changes have harmed.
More input on possible talking points is at
NOTE/OCT 4: For my updated and expanded talking points
suggestions, see
4) I welcome your thoughts and suggested topics to send to this list!
I am grateful for the other people also taking action on this issue, and the opportunity to be working collaboratively with them on this!
In community -
Patricia Dines
Community Action Publications
And please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on this process! (My email is: INFO [at]
Best - Patricia
This entire website is (c)
Patricia Dines, 1998-2024. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 10/04/2024.